Board member, SDG and ESG advocate, 3x author, stakeholder capitalism

Social transformation refers to a significant, sustained, and systemic change in the social structure, culture, and institutions of a society. The core elements of social transformation are:

  • Cultural change: Cultural change involves shifts in values, beliefs, norms, and attitudes. This can include changes in the way people think about social issues, such as gender roles, human rights, and environmental sustainability.

  • Technological change: Technological change involves the development and adoption of new technologies, which can transform the way people live and work. This includes advances in fields such as artificial intelligence, renewable energy, and biotechnology.

  • Political change: Political change involves shifts in power relations and the way decisions are made in society. This includes changes in governance structures, such as the transition to democratic systems or the creation of new international organizations.

  • Economic change: Economic change involves changes in the way resources are produced, distributed, and consumed in society. This can include the development of new industries, the growth of the service sector, or changes in global trade patterns.

  • Environmental change: Environmental change involves the ways in which humans interact with the natural world. This includes changes in resource use, land use, and the impact of human activities on the environment.

Overall, social transformation involves interconnected changes across multiple domains, with the potential to impact individuals, communities, and societies as a whole.

The core factors of the global social transformation include changing social norms, evolving family structures, cultural diversity, and social activism. In this transformation, companies play a crucial role by embracing diversity and inclusion, promoting equitable practices, and addressing social and environmental challenges. They can contribute by adopting responsible business practices, supporting community initiatives, and driving positive social change through their products, services, and operations. I wanted to know: How does it work in practice? My answers come from: Plastic Fischer, the top innovator who cleans the world’s rivers, from the Global Parliament of Mayors who demand a seat at the table to solve our problems or the World’s first Chief Heat Officer, who is fights extreme temperatures in Miami and many more.

SDG and ESG advocate, Board member,

Alastair Campbell: Reshaping Political Debate

Alastair Campbell, renowned as Britain's leading political master communicator, is pioneering the way in regaining control of the UK's political debate while also garnering a massive following worldwide. His podcast, "The Rest is Politics," co-hosted with former Tory Cabinet minister Rory Stewart, boasts over one million listeners per episode, dominating charts from the UK to Suriname.

SDG and ESG advocate, Board member,

Demeter: Pionier der Biobranche

Demeter ist Vorbild. Die “nachhaltigste Marke Deutschlands" praktiziert erfolgreich, was die Vereinten Nationen und das Pariser Klimaabkommen von der Landwirtschaft weltweit fordern: Eine bio-dynamische Kreislaufwirtschaft.

SDG and ESG advocate, Board member,

GLS: Die gute Bank

Was ist die Aufgabe einer guten Bank im 21. Jahrhundert? Darüber spricht Thomas Jorberg, Vorstandssprecher der GLS Bank. Laut Financial Times leitet er die “nachhaltigste Bank in Europa". Börse Online und n-tv wählten die GLS von 2010 bis 2019 zur “Bank des Jahres" in der Kategorie Spezialbanken


We Mean Business Coalition

María Mendiluce, CEO of the We Mean Business Coalition, is one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential Climate Leaders. As the Coalition celebrates its 10-year anniversary, María reflects on the milestones that have mobilized over 17,000 companies—representing half of the world’s market capitalization—to commit to climate action.

SDG and ESG advocate, Board member,

Vorsitzender des Global Parliament of Mayors – Weltparlament der Bürgermeister: Städte müssen an den globalen Entscheidertisch

“Der Transformations-Prozess gelingt nur, wenn Städte einen Sitz am Verhandlungstisch haben”, so Dr. Peter Kurz,Vorsitzender des Global Parliament of Mayors.In Den Haag geboren, versteht sich das globale Bürgermeisterparlament als Leitungsgremium von und für Bürgermeister aller Kontinente.

SDG and ESG advocate, Board member,

Miami: How the world’s first Chief Heat Officer fights extreme temperatures

Jane Gilbert is the world’s first Chief Heat Officer. Her task is to prepare and protect Miami’s citizens for and from the heat.

Extreme heat is responsible for more deaths than all other climate driven disasters in the US combined. We talk about around 12.000 death each year. By 2100, according to a study by the University of Washington, the annual toll could be close to 100.000. By then, 94% of Miami Beach would be underwater. Not a small task to manage.

stakeholder capitalism, Board member,

CEO Plastic Fischer: Der Top Innovator 2022 rettet Flüsse und Ozeane

Gründer und CEO Karsten Hirsch: “Wenn 80 Prozent des Plastiks in den Ozeanen aus etwa 1.000 Flüssen angeschwemmt wird, weshalb reinigt denn keine Firma in der Welt die Flüsse?” Das war der Beginn der Mission von Plastic Fischer. Als erstes Unternehmen widmen sie sich 2019

stakeholder capitalism, Board member,

Founder & CEO Competent Boards – Stewards of the Future

Helle Bank Jorgensen is CEO of Competent Boards, which offers the highly acclaimed global ESG Competent Boards Certificate and Designation Program online, with a faculty of over 150 renowned international board members, executives and experts. Launched in 2019 in Davos, Switzerland, Competent Boards aims to enable board members and senior management to make better decisions to "turn your comprehensive vision, your complex goal, your bold idea into action".

stakeholder capitalism, Board member,

Vereinte Nationen: Wir brauchen einen Paradigmenwechsel

Die Vereinten Nationen rufen auf zur Großen Transformation: “Wir befinden uns in einer Zeit radikaler Unsicherheit – und brauchen einen Paradigmenwechsel”, sagt Achim Steiner, #3 bei den VN und Leiter der größten Organisation, dem Entwicklungsprogramm. Mit 17.000 Mitarbeitern und einem Jahres-Budget von 5 Milliarden Dollar ist er zuständig für die Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele und damit für die Abschaffung der weltweiten Armut.

SDG and ESG advocate, stakeholder capitalism,

Triumph des Mutes: Wie wir
Sibylle Barden

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SDG and ESG advocate, stakeholder capitalism,


Will die Welt die Covid-Pandemie hinter sich lassen, muss sie einen Neustart in den internationalen Beziehungen hinbekommen. Dazu müssen alle gesellschaftlich relevanten Stakeholder an einen Tisch.

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stakeholder capitalism, Board member,


The Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos is framed by the poignant theme: Rebuilding Trust. This overarching motif reflects a collective recognition among global leaders that trust, a cornerstone of societal cohesion and economic prosperity, has been eroded and needs meticulous reconstruction.

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stakeholder capitalism, Board member,


As the world anticipates the Stockholm "World Water Week 2023: Seeds of Change: Innovative Solutions for a Water-Wise World," a global movement takes shape to confront the imminent water crisis. With freshwater scarcity affecting over 2.2 billion individuals, a sanitation crisis impacting 4.2 billion people, and water-related conflicts unsettling 40% of the global population, this year's theme underscores the urgency for innovative solutions and collaborative efforts.

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SDG and ESG advocate, stakeholder capitalism,

(PT Magazin Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft)

Wie viel Wirtschaftswachstum kann sich die Weltgemeinschaft leisten, wenn dieses gleichzeitig unsere Lebensgrundlage vernichtet?

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SDG and ESG advocate, stakeholder capitalism,


Wie wollen wir leben? Wir sind Täter und Zeuge einer erdrutschartigen Verschiebung unserer Existenz. Wählen wir Zynismus und nehmen die Zerstörung des Planeten in Kauf? Wählen wir Optimismus und setzen uns aktiv für eine bessere Zukunft ein?

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SDG and ESG advocate,


Metropolen können die Problemlöser unserer Zeit sein. Sie schließen die Lücke, die Nationalstaaten bei der Lösung globaler Herausforderungen hinterlassen. Sibylle Barden-Fürchtenicht über die kollektive Macht der Städte

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SDG and ESG advocate,


Die Zeitenwende, die wir gerade erleben, ist nicht neu. Neu ist sie für die Nachkriegsgenerationen der westlichen Welt. Die Welt, in der immer alles wachsen muss: die Wirtschaft, die Städte, der Wohlstand, das eigene Glück.

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SDG and ESG advocate,

Wie wollen wir leben?
Sibylle Barden

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SDG and ESG advocate,

Der Honiganzeiger
Sibylle Barden

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