Nature and climate require our help because human activities have caused significant environmental degradation, loss of biodiversity, and climate change. The accelerating rate of deforestation, pollution, overexploitation of resources, and greenhouse gas emissions threaten the stability and health of ecosystems. To address these issues, global efforts are being made. Countries are implementing policies and regulations to reduce carbon emissions, promote renewable energy, and protect natural habitats. International agreements like the Paris Agreement aim to mitigate climate change collectively. Additionally, individuals and organizations are adopting sustainable practices, promoting conservation, and supporting initiatives that restore ecosystems, preserve biodiversity, and transition to a low-carbon economy.


UN Global Compact: SDGs - the North Star for Business

Sanda Ojiambo, the Assistant Secretary-General and CEO of the United Nations Global Compact⁠, shines a spotlight on the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative and the driving force behind the ⁠Sustainable Development Goals⁠ (SDGs). With over 18,000 corporate participants spanning 160 countries, the UN Global Compact aligns businesses with principles in human rights, labor, the environment, and anti-corruption.

"The SDGs are the singular uniting force across all sectors, nations, and economies.”


Deshalb brauchen wir den “Großen Neustart

Smarter, Greener, Fairer: Ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaftssystem für das 21. Jahrhundert gelingt nur gemeinsam. Professor Klaus Schwab, der Gründer und Vorstandsvorsitzende des World Economic Forums, erklärt im Eröffnungsgespräch die notwendige Transformation von Wirtschaft, Politik und Zivilgesellschaft. Der WEF-Chef ist seit Sommer 2020 Kopf und Herz des “Großen Neustarts"


Demeter: Pionier der Biobranche

Demeter ist Vorbild. Die “nachhaltigste Marke Deutschlands" praktiziert erfolgreich, was die Vereinten Nationen und das Pariser Klimaabkommen von der Landwirtschaft weltweit fordern: Eine bio-dynamische Kreislaufwirtschaft.


Custodians of Our Planet

Áslak Holmberg, President of the Saami Council, is a pioneering leader who fights for the rights of 80.000 Indigenous people in the Arctic – on the global stage.

Speaking at the UN, the IPCC or in Davos, Áslak makes sure the world understands what it means to be Indigenous in the middle of Europe; being European citizens, whose rights to their land, their water and their traditional way of making a living, through fishing and reindeer herding, is being denied

SDG and ESG advocate,

ISSB Chair Emmanuel Faber: Leading Sustainable Finance Transformation

With endorsements from the G20, UN, World Bank, IOSCO, the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) stands at the forefront of standard-setting efforts, shaping the future of sustainable finance and reporting worldwide.

Founded in 2021 at COP26 in Glasgow, under the stewardship of Emmanuel Faber as Chair, the ISSB has become a globally recognized and respected standard-setter.


Moët Hennessy: Transforming Luxury

How do you redefine luxury in a world of urgent environmental challenges? In this episode, I sit down with Philippe Schaus, Chairman and CEO of Moët Hennessy and member of the Executive Committee of LVMH, the world’s largest luxury group.

We explore how Moët Hennessy’s 27 iconic maisons—including Veuve Clicquot, Belvedere Vodka, and Dom Pérignon, many with over 300 years of heritage—are innovating to preserve tradition while addressing the planet’s most pressing challenges.

stakeholder capitalism

Stitching Together a Fashion Revolution

"I think we need an entire revolution in the fashion industry," says⁠ Runa Ray⁠, my first guest of 2025. And she is making it happen—as a designer, activist, and visionary.

Her journey spans the⁠ Global Peace Flag Initiative⁠, endorsed by the United Nations and hailed as the largest art movement for peace and climate action, to presenting collections at Monte Carlo Fashion Week, the Grammy Awards, and shaping policy at the World Bank.


Matt Rogers – CEO Mission Possible Partnership: 400 Partners. 7 Heavy Industries. 1 Goal: Net-Zero 2050

CEO Matt Rogers: “We are deeply committed to decarbonise 7 heavy-emitting industries by 2050: Cement, Steel, Aluminium and Chemicals – as well as Shipping, Aviation and Trucking.”

These 7 big industries are the building blocks of the global economy. Currently, they are responsible for 30% of GHG emissions globally. The 4 materials alone are responsible for 60% of current industry emissions. Where to begin? “Our 400 partners made bold commitments. Now is the time for bold actions. Because we know how to get from here to there on a step-by-step-basis."


Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland: Eine Roadmap für die Kreislaufwirtschaft

"Die Transformation ist eine gesamtgesellschaftliche Kraftanstrengung“, sagt Dr. Susanne Kadner, Initiatorin und Geschäftsführerin der Circular Economy Initiative Deutschland. Überzeugt davon, dass Ökonomie und Ökologie miteinander vereinbar sind, wenn wir in Kreisläufen denken - hat sie 3 Bundesministerien (u.a. Wirtschaft), 23 Unternehmen (u.a. Siemens), 24 Forschungseinrichtungen (u.a. Fraunhofer-Institut) und das World Economic Forum gewonnen, und gemeinsam eine Roadmap für die Kreislaufwirtschaft entwickelt. Wie wollen wir leben?


Nationen: Wir brauchen einen Paradigmenwechsel

Die Vereinten Nationen rufen auf zur Großen Transformation: “Wir befinden uns in einer Zeit radikaler Unsicherheit – und brauchen einen Paradigmenwechsel”, sagt Achim Steiner, #3 bei den VN und Leiter der größten Organisation, dem Entwicklungsprogramm. Mit 17.000 Mitarbeitern und einem Jahres-Budget von 5 Milliarden Dollar ist er zuständig für die Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeitsziele und damit für die Abschaffung der weltweiten Armut.


CEO Deloitte Deutschland: Wir machen Nachhaltigkeit messbar

“Wir haben uns verpflichtet, Nachhaltigkeit global messbar zu machen", sagt Volker Krug, CEO Deloitte Deutschland. Das umsatzstärkste Wirtschaftsprüfungsunternehmen der Welt ist aktiver Vorantreiber der Transformation. Schon im Herbst 2020 hatten sich die vier größten Wirtschaftsprüfer, zusammen mit dem World Economic Forum, erstmals auf die Einführung eines konkreten Maßnahmenkatalogs für die Messung der Nachhaltigkeit geeinigt.


GLS: Die gute Bank

Was ist die Aufgabe einer guten Bank im 21. Jahrhundert? Darüber spricht Thomas Jorberg, Vorstandssprecher der GLS Bank. Laut Financial Times leitet er die “nachhaltigste Bank in Europa". Börse Online und n-tv wählten die GLS von 2010 bis 2019 zur “Bank des Jahres" in der Kategorie Spezialbanken


Director Destination Earth – Creating the Planet's Digital Twin

Destination Earth is a high-precision digital model of the Earth. It is the EU’s flagship initiative to create a digital copy of our entire planet. This replica is actually a digital twin. It is a gigantic task that requires the largest data center in the world to create the most accurate data to combat climate change. "This is how Dr Peter Bauer describes the €7 billion project he is leading.


Miami: How the world’s first Chief Heat Officer fights extreme temperatures

Jane Gilbert is the world’s first Chief Heat Officer. Her task is to prepare and protect Miami’s citizens for and from the heat.

Extreme heat is responsible for more deaths than all other climate driven disasters in the US combined. We talk about around 12.000 death each year. By 2100, according to a study by the University of Washington, the annual toll could be close to 100.000. By then, 94% of Miami Beach would be underwater. Not a small task to manage.


Founder and CEO of ClimateView – We decarbonize city economies

„We enable cities to understand and monitor their emissions, choose the best path to net-zero, and collaborate extensively to implement a comprehensive transition plan. "Tomer Shalit, founder and CEO of the Swedish company ClimateView, named by Fast Company as one of the most innovative companies of 2021.


Founder & CEO Competent Boards – Stewards of the Future

Helle Bank Jorgensen is CEO of Competent Boards, which offers the highly acclaimed global ESG Competent Boards Certificate and Designation Program online, with a faculty of over 150 renowned international board members, executives and experts. Launched in 2019 in Davos, Switzerland, Competent Boards aims to enable board members and senior management to make better decisions to "turn your comprehensive vision, your complex goal, your bold idea into action".


CEO Plastic Fischer: Der Top Innovator 2022 rettet Flüsse und Ozeane

Gründer und CEO Karsten Hirsch: “Wenn 80 Prozent des Plastiks in den Ozeanen aus etwa 1.000 Flüssen angeschwemmt wird, weshalb reinigt denn keine Firma in der Welt die Flüsse?” Das war der Beginn der Mission von Plastic Fischer. Als erstes Unternehmen widmen sie sich 2019


The Reinvention of Everything

The FT called him one of Europe’s leading industrialists and transformational leaders - and transforming is exactly what he does. Transforming and reinventing companies, across sectors and across industries. Dreaming big. First as Co-CEO and Chairman at the giant software company ⁠SAP⁠ and recently, taking ⁠A.P Møller-Maersk⁠, the Danish conglomerate that dominates container shipping, into the new era of decarboniziation.


We Mean Business Coalition

María Mendiluce, CEO of the We Mean Business Coalition, is one of TIME’s 100 Most Influential Climate Leaders. As the Coalition celebrates its 10-year anniversary, María reflects on the milestones that have mobilized over 17,000 companies—representing half of the world’s market capitalization—to commit to climate action.


Vorsitzender des Global Parliament of Mayors – Weltparlament der Bürgermeister: Städte müssen an den globalen Entscheidertisch

“Der Transformations-Prozess gelingt nur, wenn Städte einen Sitz am Verhandlungstisch haben”, so Dr. Peter Kurz,Vorsitzender des Global Parliament of Mayors.In Den Haag geboren, versteht sich das globale Bürgermeisterparlament als Leitungsgremium von und für Bürgermeister aller Kontinente.


Prince Albert II Foundation: Monaco's Green Revolution

Monaco⁠, the most densely-populated sovereign state in the world, smaller than New York's Central Park, has emerged as a powerful advocate for ocean and marine life conservation.

Prince Albert, Head of State and president of his foundation, played a significant role in shaping ⁠SDG 14⁠, the United Nations sustainable development goal entirely dedicated to the Ocean.


Earthshot Laureate Florent Kaiser: The Andean Eco Revolutionary

Florent Kaiser⁠, CEO of Global Forest Generation and ⁠Earthshot Prize Winner⁠, has unveiled the extraordinary accomplishments of ⁠Acción Andina⁠. This grassroots initiative, co-founded by Asociación Ecosistemas Andinos, is deeply rooted in ancient Inca principles of "Ayni and Minka." Together, they have planted nearly 10 million native trees since 2018, rejuvenating over 4,000 hectares of Andean forests. The activities are already helping thousands of people by increasing food and water security, providing new income opportunities.


No Water, No Climate, No Survival: Special Envoy's Fight for Global Stability

Henk Ovink is the pioneering Special Envoy for International Water Affairs. Discover how the Netherlands leads the way in sustainable water management through the First International Water Envoy, addressing urgent challenges impacting 2.2 billion people with freshwater scarcity and ecosystem devastation.



There are over 1,000 varieties of bananas grown around the world, yet the market is dominated by only one, the Cavendish. It makes up 95% of all bananas traded internationally. And like in so many sectors, only five companies dominate around 80% of the globe's banana market.

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My book (in German) - How do we want to live? The World needs a Marshall Plan - my search for a better system

"How do we want to live?” reflects the economic development since the global financial crisis. It's a call for a global economic stimulus program. In 66 compelling essays, she draws attention to the change in political and economic values ​​since 2007 and advocates a re-think: towards sustainable economic policy and more awareness of the importance of a society based on solidarity.



As the world anticipates the Stockholm "World Water Week 2023: Seeds of Change: Innovative Solutions for a Water-Wise World," a global movement takes shape to confront the imminent water crisis. With freshwater scarcity affecting over 2.2 billion individuals, a sanitation crisis impacting 4.2 billion people, and water-related conflicts unsettling 40% of the global population, this year's theme underscores the urgency for innovative solutions and collaborative efforts.

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(ESG Global)

Sibylle Barden is an author and board member. She is an early champion of Stakeholder Capitalism and the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative.

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Global Transformation

(PT Magazin Wirtschaft & Gesellschaft)

Wie viel Wirtschaftswachstum kann sich die Weltgemeinschaft leisten, wenn dieses gleichzeitig unsere Lebensgrundlage vernichtet?

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Global Transformation


Wie wollen wir leben? Wir sind Täter und Zeuge einer erdrutschartigen Verschiebung unserer Existenz. Wählen wir Zynismus und nehmen die Zerstörung des Planeten in Kauf? Wählen wir Optimismus und setzen uns aktiv für eine bessere Zukunft ein?

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Global Transformation


Will die Welt die Covid-Pandemie hinter sich lassen, muss sie einen Neustart in den internationalen Beziehungen hinbekommen. Dazu müssen alle gesellschaftlich relevanten Stakeholder an einen Tisch.

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Global Transformation


Die Weltwirtschaft steht vor einer großen Transformation. Im Zeitalter des Stakeholder Kapitalismus sollen Unternehmen nachhaltiger, digitaler und fairer werden. Einige von ihnen sind bereits auf dem Weg dorthin und haben ihre Verantwortung erkannt.

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Global Transformation


Smarter, grüner, fairer: Der Kapitalismus benötigt ein Update. Sibylle Barden-Fürchtenicht erklärt, wie ein nachhaltiger Kapitalismus für das 21. Jahrhundert aussehen kann.

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